Petition Demands UMich School of Social Work Fund Degree-Required Internships

The Michigan Daily • By Madison Kraft • January 27, 2022

“Students in the University of Michigan School of Social Work drafted a Payment for Providers petition calling for Masters of Social Work students to be financially compensated for field work. A similar version of the petition was drafted in 2017, but the majority of field work positions through the SSW remain unpaid. 

MSW students must complete 16 hours of field work a week in their first semester and 28 hours a week in the following semesters, according to criteria set by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). 

In accordance with Central Student Government Resolution 11-036, which demands compensation for degree-required internships, the petition asks SSW administrators to convene and research avenues in which the University can source funding for field work. The petition does not specify a set pay level or ask for a standardized pay scale, allowing the task force to explore ways in which students can be compensated equitably.”



University of Michigan Social Work Students Strike to Win Pay For Internships